Day10 - 03/09/69 Martil

                          Martil  03/09/69

Hot                                                                                      28509
                                                                                                   15  miles

Girls said goodbye this morning waking us up at 7 am god bless them. Jan seemed better, Nick was ill in the night and is still in bed this morning, The flies are becoming rather irksome and I have numerous bites.Bought the bread this morning. What a good place Martil is - just as I had imagined an Arabic village to be - tiny mischievous children roaming the streets and old men quietly sipping mint tea in the shade and looking all around. Shops were doing a brisk early morning trade. The houses are not real looking - they remind me of icing sugar houses. Spent the morning at the gate with Mohammed. A quick swim, then to Tetouan to get my glasses (8.5 durans).
Did steering box seal and had meal at the Lighthouse with Mohammed. Spoke to people staying at the hotel who had been ill for two weeks and had been to Marrakesh in a L/R. Went for walk along the beach and early to bed after coffee with the Gibraltarians. Nick was ill again after the meal.

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